Applied Sanskrit – Grammatical Analysis of 50 Stories
- Analyze and Understand

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Shankar Iyer
Course Statistics
Course Syllabus
- Reading technique for proper syllable splitting in a word
- Reading technique for proper word splitting in a compound word
- Reading technique for getting proper meaning of a sentence
- Questioning technique for knowing the relations between words in a sentence
- Identification of indeclinable and pronoun
- Technique of identification of different cases of words and pronouns
- Identification of verb in a sentence for person, number, tense and moods
- Identification of adjectives
- Technique of identification of relations between adjectives and case-ending words
- Technique of word identification for letter-ending, case-ending
- Identification of conjunctive indeclinable in complex sentence
- Identification active voice sentences
- Technique of identification of passive voice from sentence construction
- Identification of Causal form of verbs in sentences
- Proper way to understand causal verb usage native to Sanskrit
- Technique of identifying krt words formed out of verbs
- Technique of identifying taddhita words formed out of words
- How to comprehend the meaning with real life dialogues
- Understanding native expressions in Sanskrit
- Identification of Sanskrit Sayings and Quotes and more...
Brief Course Intro
Having learnt the complete Sanskrit language structure, I attempted to read some story books in Sanskrit and found that most sentence constructions were a mixture of different words I learnt and they are related with the verb in one or the other sense. And, I understood, that without complete understanding of relations of words with verbs in connection with Subject and Object of the sentence, we may interpret the meaning strangely and wrongly.
So, I examined and found the words in different case endings are related to such other word and gradually I got clear meaning out of each sentence. So, I designed this Story Analysis Course for the benefit of beginners, who having studied the language structure can understand how the skills are to be applied to construct our own sentences and analyze a sentence.
It is always easy to read and understand a story as a beginner than reading a subject book in Sanskrit, because we can relate many of the situations in a story to our real life characters. Most of the dialogues can be easily understood without the need for dictionary. Most words will be repeated in different stories and we can understand how in different contexts, the same word gives different meaning. In this process we will remember more words and our vocabulary strength will improve gradually in multiple ways.
I will be explaining each and every word of every sentence in a story, for sentence construction voices like active voice, passive voice, verbs for parasmaipada, atmanepada, case endings of words like nominative, accusative, instrumental and so on, the relations between adjectives and words for gender, number, different krt and taddhita words, indeclinable with contextual meaning of words and so on. This course will surely prepare you to explore the Sanskrit texts on your own.
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