Applied Sanskrit – Grammatical Analysis of 100 Verses
- Split it to Get it

Why this course
Shankar Iyer
Course Statistics
Course Syllabus
- Reading technique for proper syllable splitting in a word
- Reading technique for proper word splitting in a compound word
- Reading technique for getting proper meaning of a sentence
- Questioning technique for knowing the relations between words in a sentence
- Identification of indeclinable and pronoun
- Technique of identification of different cases of words and pronouns
- Identification of verb in a sentence for person, number, tense and moods
- Identification of adjectives
- Technique of identification of relations between adjectives and case-ending words
- Technique of word identification for letter-ending, case-ending
- Identification of conjunctive indeclinable in complex sentence
- Identification active voice sentences
- Technique of identification of passive voice from sentence construction
- Identification of Causal form of verbs in sentences
- Proper way to understand causal verb usage native to Sanskrit
- Technique of identifying krt words formed out of verbs
- Technique of identifying taddhita words formed out of words
- How to comprehend the meaning with related information
- Understanding native expressions in Sanskrit Shloka
- Identification of Sanskrit Sayings and Quotes and more...
Brief Course Intro
Most of us start to learn Sanskrit to read and understand Sanskrit Shloka (Verse) on our own without getting much help from others. But, we find the difficulty in understanding such verses for want of clear knowledge of language structure. So, I prepared this course for my students to apply all the knowledge we learnt in all my three courses in getting the meaning out of the Sanskrit Verses (Shloka)
Almost all the Sanskrit Verses are constructed in a standard style and by applying the knowledge of Sandhi to properly split the verse in to words we can understand most of the Sanskrit Texts written in Verse form. There is a specific technique by which we need to practice splitting of Shloka and all such steps in dissolving the meaning of a Shloka is discussed in this course.
I did this course, mainly to make it clear that whatever be the Shloka whether it is Subhashitam, Ramayanam, Kalidasa Kavyam, Bhagavatgita the method and techniques are same. This course will make you independent learner of Sanskrit text
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